Nashville Pagan Pride Day is part of the Pagan Pride Project and must adhere to their guidelines.
We want to remind everyone of our non-discrimination policy. Nashville Pagan Pride Day, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual preference. All official participants, including staff, presenters, vendors, entertainers, and community groups are expected to respect and abide by these principals.
NASHVILLE PAGAN PRIDE DAY RULES Absolutely no weapons of any kind. This includes ritual knives and swords. This a Metro Parks and Recreation Rule. Metro Park Police WILL ask you to leave if you violate this rule. No alcohol or illegal drugs. Another Metro Parks and Recreation Rule that Metro Park Police will be enforcing. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS. Be respectful. Respect other people and their beliefs. Respect the park and facilities. Proselytizing is a form of harassment. Absolutely no harassment of any kind will be tolerated. People who violate this rule will be asked to leave the event. Pets and familiars on leashes are welcome. You are responsible for cleaning up after your furry friends. Clean up after yourself. Trash cans and recycle containers have been provided. Put recyclables in the appropriately marked containers. Have fun! Adult Content Policy: Demonstration events that include sexual content are banned from Pagan Pride celebrations, including but not limited to workshops on techniques and sexually-themed items for sale. Discussion events are acceptable, given the understanding that media presence at Pride events is a part of our mission. Pagan Pride encourages education and informative events on all topics of interests to pagans, as long as they are handled responsibly. Policy on Teenage Participation: We are trying to encourage Pride in all Pagans of all ages. However, the rights of minors are limited by parental choice. No minor shall participate in the planning, vending or presentation of workshops or ritual at Nashville Pagan Pride Day without prior written consent form the minor’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s), or unless the parent or legal guardian is present at the event with the minor. Since our event is held in a public place, we do not have the right to, nor would want to, bar the attendance at event to anyone due to his or her age. Though they may not plan or present without written consent from parent(s) or legal guardian(s), minors are welcome to attend Nashville Pagan Pride Day. Liability: Nashville Pagan Pride Day is not responsible for any injury, and/or damaged, lost, or stolen goods.