
Pagan Paths—Are you wondering what Paganism is all about? There are a variety of traditions and practices, and it can be difficult to navigate between them. We will discuss what makes a path Pagan. Presenters: Oberon and Rhiannon Zell

Weather Magic 101 – This ain’t your granny’s weather magic! Weather is something that connects us all, regardless of where we live. Typical weather magic centers around trying to manipulate the weather in some way, but let’s dig deeper. If we can connect the science of the weather to our magical practices, there is an abundant source of energy we can draw upon. As we work with weather magic, we become more attuned to the cycles of the earth and the seasons. As we learn the folklore of the weather, we are connected to that long line of those who watched the signs and the skies to foretell what was to come. We come to embody the storm, the wind, the clouds within our magical selves. In this workshop, we will learn some of the basic science around familiar weather patterns then see how that connects to the folklore surrounding them. Then we will brainstorm new ways to incorporate the energy of weather phenomena into our magical practice. Weather is all around us, why not use it as a magical ally? Presenter: Debra L. Burris PhD, professor of Physics and Astronomy

Astrology and You – Rev Don Lewis will explain what Astrology is and is not, and how to understand an Astrological Chart and everything involved in it. Presenter: Rev. Don Lewis, the First Priest Emeritus of the Correllian Tradition

Spiritual Community: The Care and Feeding of Magical Groups – From local covens to online circles and everything in between let’s talk about cultivating healthy, fulfilling communities. I am a founder and leader of The Forest’s Edge Tradition of Witchcraft for the past 13 years and have been involved in a number of witchy communities across decades of practice. On a crooked path sprinkled with wonders, woes and my own abundant mistakes, I’ve learned (and am learning) a lot of lessons about community. Let me weave my experiences into insights and we can compare notes. Presenter: Christine Grace, M.Div., M.Ed

Intro to Throwing the Bones Divination – Throwing the Bones Divination Beginner Workshop (Cost is $10 and includes a copy of “Throwing the Bones, Divination For the Modern Practitioner” and a SWAG bag to jump-start your bone kit!) is for those who are interested in learning the art of throwing and reading bones. We will dive into all aspects of the craft, including history, care of bones, starter bone kits, meanings, methods, tools needed, and much more! Included are hands-on practice throws and exercises. Throwing bones helps us access psychic energy and improving intuition. As we are directly connecting with our ancestors, it is a powerful way to communicate with them. Through these connections, we can predict future events as well as give advice when needed. Keep in mind that although this form of divination is an important part of Hoodoo and Voodoo, It is not necessary to be a practitioner of either. Bone Divination has been practiced all over the world for thousands of years in all traditions, faiths, and religions. Presenter: Atalanta Moonfire

The Magician and the Trickster – Two powerful and misunderstood beings that is certain. I am very Excited to present a class over 2 years in the making… we will be working with the energies of the Magician and the Trickster and how they show up in the stories, in Astrology and in our everyday lives. It’s not what you think, when you walk the worlds of Above, Below and In-between. Presenter : Chrissi the Prism Witch

Homemade Magick and the Creation of a Magician – This class addresses -from a humorous standpoint- how to become a Magician, and discusses things like initiations, tools, dramatic rites and rituals for the new Magician and their families. Presenter: Eira Eriksdottir

Crafting Your Book of Shadows Pages – Join Papa Gee for an enchanting workshop where the mystical meets the artistic. This class invites both novice and seasoned practitioners to explore the ancient tradition of creating the pages within a Book of Shadows with a modern, creative twist.

Watercolor: Learn how to use watercolors to make beautiful illustrations and page backgrounds for your book. You’ll learn techniques that bring your pages to life with color, whether you’re looking for bold or subtle effects. This fluid medium can help enhance the aesthetic of your book.

Decoupage: Learn how to make your Book of Shadows visually appealing and tactile using the decoupage technique. We will guide you through selecting appropriate materials, preparing your pages, and layering images to create depth and tell a story. This helps to add a touch of enchantment to your book, seamlessly blending textures and visuals into a unique and stunning creation.

Designing Bound Pages: Adding new elements to a Book of Shadows once it’s bound can be challenging. Papa Gee will show you how to easily integrate new elements without disrupting your book’s binding or integrity. This ensures that your book can grow with you on your spiritual journey.

If you’re interested in creating a Book of Shadows, or if you already have one but want to make it more meaningful, this workshop offers helpful tips to assist you in manifesting your creative ideas. You can transform the pages of your Book of Shadows into a stunning record of your spiritual journey. Due to time constraints, this will be a demonstration-style class. Presenter : Papa Gee

The Changing Face of Pagan Prison Ministry in Tennessee – Since the COVID-19 lockdowns of Tennessee Prisons, the Re-establishment of in-person Pagan prison ministry has been slow and sometimes tedious. However, SanctUUary of Light Prison Ministries does not give up! We continue to strive to serve as many incarcerated pagans as possible in Tennessee. While there are challenges, especially in Tennessee’s political atmosphere, we continue to move forward. Come learn how & also what you can do to help keep religious freedoms alive for Pagans in Tennessee Prisons. Presenter: Edie White, Pr., Rev., RLM

Why we do what we do—Witchcraft involves many things, such as calling quarters, setting a magical circle, inviting Gods or ancestors into our circle, using salt, and so much more. But why? Join Tish to explore the whys and wherefores of witchcraft. Bring your questions, too. Presenter: Tish Owen